Just be you

 One of the most ceaseless pieces of advice to exist is to “just be yourself.”

But there’s a small problem with that advice, isn’t there? How exactly do you do that? How do you simply “just be yourself,” particularly when you’ve been trying to be Cher from “Clueless” 

Everyone wants to be someone special, beautiful or intelligent, but sometimes that can be confused with wanting to be someone else.

“Being yourself” does not necessarily mean being 100 percent different to everyone else; it can mean taking little pieces from others that fit with the type of person you might one day want to be.

It’s incredibly difficult to stop caring about what people think of you, our day-to-days are plagued with constructing perfect stories of our lives streamed through social media.

But, while it’s hard to let go of the ego, I imagine this is one of the greatest steps in the direction toward “just being yourself.”

Someone once told me, “Don’t choose opportunity, choose opportunity that faces in the direction of your dreams,” which reminded me that in order to have dreams, we must do things “ourselves” in order to achieve them, which requires us to not always do what others are doing.

It requires us to think and act outside of the box every so often.

Perhaps we should stop confusing people, in particular, children, by saying, “be yourself” all the time and replace it with something a little more inspiring like, “be the self you’ve always dreamed of being.”

Then we might just find ourselves. 

knowledge love unity harmony my vision to be active in life
